Aims of the Sustainable Program:
to foster in students an appreciation of the environment, their relationship with it and their responsibility for its future.
to develop in students the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and commitment to initiate individual and collective responses that are environmentally conscious.

Welcome to
Sustainability at Empire Bay
Our goals in Sustainability
By taking these steps will have a whole school and community approach to environmental sustainability
identify environmental responsibility at school
encouraging habits, choices and behaviours that are compatible with a culture of sustainability at school and beyond.
provide a garden bed for every classroom and provide experiences with planning, planting, maintaining and harvesting throughout the year
provide Cooking experiences using a Paddock to Plate principle
design and establish a Bush Tucker Garden
Form partnerships with Environmental Education organisations and like-minded businesses and community members
complete a Biodiversity and Habitat survey and implement changes to improve biodiversity on school grounds
- after carrying out a Waste Audit and make decisions about how to improve EBPS's waste management plan, we continue to improve our 'less to landfill' strategies
- implement a Waste-free lunchbox education that leads to Waste-free Everyday
- compost and worm-farms in place for organic waste
perform a water audit and make decisions to improve water conservation at EBPS
identify areas of energy audit and minimise energy use
participate in the Sustainability Events Calendar (Clean up Australia Day, Earth Hour)
provide a consistent and supportive climate for environmental education in the school
reach out to the broader community through this website, the newsletter, awareness programs, and school community involvement